My Bottle過氣了!這6間韓國Café的水樽才是熱潮!
With the hit of “bottles, Korea keeps the frenzy going on with see-through bottles, and now, cafes are promoting their drinks along with giveaway bottles that varies from self-designed plastic bottles to glass bottles. From coffees to yogurts, enjoy your drinks and get a free bottle to go; a must-have for those who want to be environmentally conscious while looking cool.
相信大家都知道「My Bottle」水樽的熱潮吧, 韓國對透明水樽的狂熱仍然是有增無減,現在更有不少Café利用自家設計的水樽去吸引顧客光顧。不論是咖啡或乳酪,你都可以在享受飲品之餘獲得一個免費的水樽,這除了更環保外更為你加添一份潮流氣息呢!
#1 Awesome Malta
After falling in love with Malta Island at the Mediterranean, the owner of Awesome Malta started drawing pictures of Malta Island, which eventually led to opening a Malta Island-themed café. This pretty café full of pictures and flowers sells a variety of coffees (some of which are quite adventurous), ades, sangria (yes, that Spanish alcohol!), smoothies and side menus. Free bottles are given at an added price of 500 won when you order iced drinks.
到過有「地中海心臟」之稱的馬爾他後,Awesome Malta的主理人為馬爾他畫了不同的圖畫,亦令他開設了這間以馬爾他為主題的Café。這所漂亮的餐廳內有不同的照片和鮮花,還有出售各種各樣的咖啡(其中有些還是蠻大膽的嘗試)、果汁、Sangria(是一種西班牙酒)、沙冰或小食。當你享用冰飲時加韓幣$500就會獲得一個水樽。
Hf Tips: If you post a picture of Awesome Malta’s drinks on SNS, they give you a free toast on the side.
如果你利用SNS post有關Awesome Malta的照片就會得到一份免費的吐司。
地址:228-39 Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
#2 Follow Coffee
This small café sitting next to an elementary school is full of cuteness. It sells not only drinks but also props for decoration and kid clothes as well. Also, this café is famous for its selection of fresh smoothies. The vibrant color of smoothies and drinks given in a transparent bottle may be the reason for the fame of this café. Just like Awesome Malta, if you order iced drinks and add 500 won, the bottle is all yours.
這間小咖啡館正正位於充滿著可愛學生的小學旁邊,因此它不僅只出售飲料,還有不同的道具裝飾品及兒童衣服。另外這間Café著名的是它的新鮮果汁,那些色彩繽紛的果汁放在透明的水樽內正正是令這間Café紅起來的原因之一。正如Awesome Malta一樣,在購買冰飲加韓幣500元就可以得到一個水樽。
Hf Tips: Follow Coffee also offers bottles of a larger size.
Follow Coffee亦有提供較大Size的水樽。
地址:452-28 Galhyun-dong, Eunpyoung-gu, Seoul
#3 My Juice
This franchise café has become famous partly because it’s a juice bar. It is rare to find a café that only sells juice in Korea, and as more and more people are starting to look for healthy and delicious eateries, My Juice has taken on the needs and trend. The menu consists of red juice, green juice and a juice of their home recipe. The sizes varies from medium (350 mL) to king size (1L). If you are seeking something healthy, why not check out My Juice?
這間Café因著它的果汁Bar而出名,因為實在很難在韓國找到一間只賣果汁的Café,隨著更多人追求健康又美味的飲食,My Juice就正正在這個趨勢下得益。My Juice的餐牌中除了有Red Juice和Green Juice外,更有一它們秘製的果汁,份量從中杯(350mL)到加大杯(1L)都有。如果你想飲到健康又美味的飲品,那就不妨到My Juice看看!
地址:30-1 Shinheung-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (Main store)
#4 Wonhyoro Coffee
Wonhyoro coffee is famous for its Dutch coffee, organic desserts and bottled juice. Bottles are given out for free if you order a drink from the menu. If you have a taste for specialty coffee, perhaps this is the place to visit.
Wonhyoro Coffee因著它的荷蘭咖啡、有機甜點和樽裝果汁而著名。你選購任何一種飲品都會有一個免費的水樽,如果你喜歡嘗試不同的咖啡,那這裡你必定會喜歡。
Hf Tips: If you revisit with the bottle from Wonhyoro café, you get a 500 won discount!
地址:28-19 Wonhyoro 1-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul (also at kunguk University area)
#5 Havana Express
Havana Express’ catch phrase “You want coffee right now” expresses the young and jolly nature of this café. The two drinks that stand out most when seeing this franchise cafés are: The Working Class and Hulkkade. Both are 700 ml, and come with complementary bottles in shades of brown and green. The Working Class, which on the menu says “for work”, contains three espresso shots. The Hulkkade, which says “for extreme”, contains an energy drink. But if you are not in the need to work or about to engage in some extreme activities, you can always turn your eyes to other options.
Havana Express有一個口號是「You want coffee right now」,這盡展了它那份年輕和快樂的感覺。在這間Café中有兩款飲品是非常受歡迎的,分別是The Working Class和The Hulkkade。雖然兩者都是700mL,但飲品的顏色卻是咖啡色和綠色。The Working Class是給工作的人士享用的,它包含了3杯Espresso。但如果你不是需要工作的話The Hulkkade就是給需要力量的人享用,它包含能量飲品。當然如果這兩項都不是你需要的飲品,你亦仍然有很多不同的選擇。
地址:344-6 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul (45 other stores available too)
#6 Desert Lab
Made famous by giving out drinks in a bottle with heart-warming message notes, Desert lab sells roll cakes, desserts and bottled drinks. When drinking sweet drinks such as the rose-cooler (made of grapefruits, café’s best-selling drink!) or real strawberry lattes with messages such as “Life is a flower and you are the honey”, “It isn’t spring but you make it be” and “Flower for a flower”, wouldn’t you feel good and sweet too? Desert Lab is also famous for its desserts such as spinach bottle cake and red velvet bottle cake. This place is for the weary souls who are looking for a warm welcome.
憑著飲品樽上的鼓勵訊息而著名的Desert Lab是出售卷蛋、甜品和樽裝飲品。當你在品嘗甜的飲品,例如Rose-Cooler(由葡萄柚製成,是Café的熱賣飲品) 或者 Strawberry Lattes時,再看到樽身上的窩心訊息例如「Life is a flower and you are the honey」、「It isn’t spring but you make it be」和「Flower for a flower」是不是感到很甜蜜呢!Desert Lab的甜品亦是非常有名的,例如菠菜蛋糕和紅絲絨蛋糕。這個地方很適合身心感到疲累的人!
Hf Tips: There are ten sayings/letterings available for gift purchases.
Desert Lab總共有10款不同的訊息讓你選擇。
地址:21 119 Gil Samsung-ro, Gamgnam-gu, Seoul (Also at department stores)
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