Love Yourself:從骨子裡散發出的性感!5句來自女神Dita Von Teese的智慧話語 - HOKK fabrica

Love Yourself:從骨子裡散發出的性感!5句來自女神Dita Von Teese的智慧話語

HF Crewon February 11, 2016 at 10:05 am

不知道各位女生有沒有試過被人讚「性感」?性感,其實並不限於外表,更是與女人的個性和氣質有關。說到性感的代表人物,相信非美國著名脫衣舞孃Dita Von Teese莫屬。社會一向對脫衣舞孃有種偏見,常常認為她們是一些「低俗」的女人。然而,Dita Von Teese打破了這種思想,用創意和高貴將脫衣舞昇華至一門藝術,她的性感除了來自她誘人的外表之外,更來自她對自己有要求的個性和獨特的時尚生活品味。以下是5句來自Dita Von Teese的話語,女生們也要像她一樣做一位性感、有個性的女人!

On Career

dita von teese quote 金句語錄hokk fabrica
Collage by Joanne L/HOKK fabrica


We’re strippers. I’m not ashamed of being a stripper… It’s not being the girl in the show what my main talent is, believe it or not…The reason I think people notice my shows is the creative part of it, not that I’m the prettiest girl or the best dancer or the youngest.

On Being Sexy

dita von teese quote金句語錄hokk fabrica
Collage by Joanne L/HOKK fabrica


It’s not about seducing men, it’s about embracing womanhood.

On Individuality

dita von teese quote金句語錄hokk fabrica
Collage by Joanne L/HOKK fabrica


People who follow all the rules and chase every trend tend to get forgotten – they look great, but they’re not as memorable.

On Confidence

dita von teese quote金句語錄hokk fabrica
Collage by Joanne L/HOKK fabrica


I make a point to never, ever point out my physical flaws…this is advice I give to women as often as I can. People don’t notice the things we see in ourselves that we hate, so why direct them to it?

On Life

dita von teese quote金句語錄hokk fabrica
Collage by Joanne L/HOKK fabrica


It’s nice to be comfortable, but I’d rather be uncomfortable.

The Art of Seduction ft. Dita Von Teese, video courtesy of Into The Gloss/ YouTube

延伸閱讀:《花瓶背後: 最優雅的脫衣舞后Dita von Teese》


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