擔任美劇 《Girls》(女孩我最大)及《Orange Is The New Black》(女子監獄)的服裝設計師Jenn Rogien最近接受了雜誌《Glamour》的訪問,她指出了女士購物時常見的現象,就是大家經常一時衝動地買了很多衣服,但卻沒有想過自己是否需要這些衣服。結果衣櫃裡只是堆積著一些可穿性極低的服飾,因為它們根本不適合自己。久而久之,這堆衣服不單止花了你們的金錢,而且佔用了大部分的空間。
對於這個現象,Jenn Rogien提出了一個購物原則「3-7-14」:
01 當購入衣服後,如果你在三天之內沒有想穿的意慾,基本上已證明你往後穿它的機會很微
02 倘若七天之內你也沒有穿它,這樣已說明你對這件衣服的需求根本不大。
03 既然如此,你只需在十四日內把它退換。但注意一定要在十四日內,因為Jenn說很多人最後會因為怕麻煩或忘記退換,最終令自己的衣櫃被迫收留它。
最後,筆者為大家送上4位名人的shopping tips,希望以上的購物原則及貼士能真正幫到你們改善自己的購物習慣!

I make my own clothes. I stud my shoes, rip up my shirts, add safety pins to things, and even sew some stuff. I used to make purple velvet leggings!
DIY 可令你的衣著更為獨特!
#Bridgit Mendler:

I’m pretty good at budgeting my money…When I’m shopping, I try to think about what I’d wear it with, how often I’d wear it, and if it’s really worth it. For me, if I’m going to buy something and only wear it a few times, it’s not worth it!
#Holland Roden:

I’ve been bargain shopping for years. I love H&M, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and thrift stores….. Outlets are great too!
Fashion並非以金錢來衝量, 便宜的衣服也能打造時尚及個性!
#Shailene Woodley:

I’m always the girl who brings 30 items to try on in the dressing room and ends up buying only one. I figure out what I really love. To be really sure, if you find something you like at a store, but you’re debating on whether you should spend the money or not, just take a picture of it, go home, and think about it for three days. If you’re still thinking about it days later, then you know you love it!
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